Tasks allow you to assign and track deliverables with your colleagues and partners for any type of object on WorkSpan. You can view all your Tasks by object or on the My Tasks landing page, where you can view and manage all your existing tasks and create new Tasks for any of your objects.
Using the "My Tasks" Landing Page & Quick Filters
You can view all your Tasks in WorkSpan in one place from the "My Tasks" landing page. You can navigate to My Tasks by clicking View All in the Tasks tab of the WorkCenter (shown below), or by clicking "View All" on the Tasks card on the WorkSpan Homepage.
On the My Tasks landing page, you can:
- Use the Quick Filters to view tasks assigned to you, by you, and watched by you
- Add a new task to any of your objects
- Create and save private table views to organize and manage lists of tasks
- Click on any task to view and edit the task details
Tasks on Objects & Workflow Tasks
Tasks in WorkSpan are always related to a specific object, such as an Opportunity, Campaign, or Plan. The Tasks tab within an object is where you can create and manage tasks that need to be completed to successfully execute a specific Partner Program, Campaign, Opportunity, etc.
To find the Tasks related to a specific object, navigate to the desired object and select the "Tasks" tab.
Depending on your company's configuration, your Opportunities or other objects may auto-create tasks for your associated with specific object stages. For example, a task may be assigned to you once an Opportunity you own reached the "Joint Account Planning" stage. To find Tasks associated with a specific workflow stage, you can use the stage filters that appear above the tasks table on relevant objects. The workflow stage will also appear in the read-only "Stage" field within the task details. (Tasks cannot be manually added to workflow stages, but will appear in the "All" tab.)
Bulk Updating Tasks
You can make bulk changes to your tasks by selecting one or more of the checkboxes in the table view, then using the bulk action buttons found at the top of the table view.
Supported bulk actions include:
- Mark Done
- Change Status
- Change Priority
- Change Assign To
- Change Due Date
- Change Watchers
- Archive
Assigning a Task
You can assign any task you can edit to yourself or to another user who has access to the task. (They must be an Owner, Collaborator, or Participant on the object to which the task belongs.)
To assign assign a task, select a task, click "Edit, and then click on the Assign To field, on click "Assign to Me" in order to assign the task to yourself.
Watching a Task
You can add yourself or another user as a Watcher to any task, as long as the selected user has access to the object the task belongs to. Watchers will receive updates about edits to the task so that they can keep track of any changes, such as to Priority or Status.
To add or edit Watchers, click on any task, then click on the "eye" icon.
Task Statuses
Tasks can have a Status of To Do, In Progress, or Done. Status defaults to To Do when you are creating a task, and you can change it any time.
You can update the task Status directly from the table view by clicking on the pencil icon (see below), by using the "Change Status" bulk action, or by clicking Edit on the task.
Task Priorities
Tasks can have a Priority of High, Normal, or Low. Priority defaults to Normal when you are creating a task, and you can change it any time.
You can update the task Priority directly from the table view by using the "Change Priority" bulk action or by clicking Edit on the task.
Adding Comments to Tasks
You can add comments to any Task you can edit. To find the comments on your Tasks, click on any Task, then scroll down until you see the Comments section. You can hover over one of your own previous comments to Edit or Delete it. You can type a new message and hit Enter or press the Send arrow to submit the Comment. Your comment will be visible to anyone who also has access to the task.
Adding Attachments to Tasks
To add a file attachment to your task, click select a task and click edit. Click the Attachments button in order to select your files. When you are done adding attachments, click Save.
Cloning a Task
To Clone a Task, click on the task in the table view, then click on the "More" button in the Task Summary Panel.
Archiving a Task
If you want to remove a task from WorkSpan because it is no longer needed, you can click the More button on the Task (or use the bulk actions buttons on the table view) and click Archive. Archiving a task is equivalent to deleting it for all users.
Pro Tip: Instead of Archiving tasks that have been marked Done, you can simply filter "Done" tasks out of your view and a save a table view of To Do and In Progress tasks only. That way, you can review "Done" tasks at a later point if you need to.
Access Levels
- Owners and Collaborators can view and edit all Tasks on an object and can add new Tasks.
- Participants of an object can only see the "Assigned To Me", "Assigned By Me", and "Watched By Me" tabs, but not the "All" tab. The participant can edit any of these Tasks and can add new Tasks.
- Viewers can see all tasks on an object but cannot edit tasks or add new tasks to objects where they are a Viewer. They can be added as a Watcher to a Task by themselves or by another user.
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