You can assign or change task assignment to different people in your network.
- Open the object for which you want to assign or update a task.
- To assign tasks to people:
- Navigate to the Tasks tab.
- Locate the specific task item you'd like to assign. If the task item is not currently assigned you'll see a plus (+) sign under the To section of the task item.
- Click the plus sign (+) and you'll see a list of people associated with the campaign/program/sales plan or solution that you can assign the task to.
- To change task assignment:
- If the task item is currently assigned, you can edit the task item to change the assignment.
- To edit, click the the task item and then select the edit option (pencil icon). Edit Task screen opens.
- Scroll to the Assigned To section. Change task assignment to a resource from the drop-down list.
- Click Save.
- If the task item is currently assigned, you can edit the task item to change the assignment.
In the case when a new object is created , it takes up to 24 hours for the assignee list to be recompiled , especially when users are on many objects , including many users. Within the 24 hours time frame users might not be able to see the whole list of users ,to whom they can assign the task.
@Shalini, I believe this could be also added into the main body text. If there is also something ,I am missing out, it will be good to be added as well. For sure it will help us in future cases, when users cant see the whole list of people ,to whom they can assign a task.
Thank you!
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