New Features and Enhancements
- Enabling file upload for your partners via the action button. WorkSpan allows you to configure an action button to upload files. With this enhancement, your partners will get access to upload files; for e.g., click on “Upload Leads” if the “Activity” is under the “Activity Approved” stage and other business conditions are met. The leads are fed into the WorkSpan portal directly without the need to set up the integration for every individual partner company. This enhancement will help you truly scale sharing of data by your partners for better collaboration.
- Search subsets of data in the table view. The easy-to-use search functionality enables you to perform super fast searches on table view and find specific subsets of data to review. You may wish to search for one value or multiple values at a time. The enhanced search now works on three columns, i.e., WS-ID, object name (E.g., Activity names), and CRM-ID in the table.
- Ad-hoc Filters in “Reports” table view. Apply additional filters in a report table view to display the desired filtered values from existing data. This dynamic view gives you a clear picture of data by refining data sets from multiple rows, thereby hiding unwanted data temporarily.
- Partner SSO configuration for User Provisioning and Authentication. Your partner portal (for e.g., Orange company has its own Partner Portal) can now be configured with Single Sign-On (SSO). This one-time configuration setup will enable user provisioning, authorize and redirect your partner companies’ users to WorkSpan portal directly.
*To set it up, contact WorkSpan Support via email at or visit
- Improved Metrics UI. Previously, long metrics labels were not visible properly. However, after the enhancement, you can now view the entire label (wrapped in two lines) at first glance.
- Visual refinement of metrics using tags. The pinned metrics on the overview page are now tagged with the object name from which it is being originated. Metric tags lets you recognize the parent object easily to understand the association and enhance visibility to all the partner members who have access to those metrics.
- Support for “Date” and “Date-Time” fields in metrics. Metrics can now be created using “Date” or “Date-Time” fields to calculate min/max date from table view across objects. The date and time are displayed on the metrics for an object like “Activity” so that you do not miss the submission deadline. In the attached example, “Cier Activity” (metric) shows the Activity’s (object) “Created Date” as selected from the Edit Metric popup box.
- Added support for currency symbols and names. Currency fields in WorkSpan objects are now prefixed with currency symbols in metric/field values to help you distinguish between different currencies. For example, the currency metric value in dollars (USD) will be $200,000.00. The currency names are appended next to the metric name/field name in dashboard/field name on the overview page [e.g., “FY Allocation Amount Plan” → to →“FY Allocation Amount Plan (USD)]. These symbols and names can be identified easily and used to understand different revenue sources for deeper analysis.
- Member search in Program reduces site navigation hustle. To save time and make it more efficient, we have added a search feature in the "Share Program" dialog box, allowing you to quickly find a specific partner among multiple members without having to navigate the entire list each time.
- Prevent old files from being deleted inadvertently. The previously uploaded files in your projects, like “Sales Plan, “Deals,” “Activity,” etc., cannot be deleted after you login back and revisit the project. These old files can be downloaded later to help you compare and analyze them before uploading any new files. You can only upload and delete these new files in the Create/Edit wizard of an object. Additionally, it helps in effectively tracking the change history.
- More focus on comments for simpler and more efficient collaboration. The dedicated space permits you to collaborate with your partners effectively by sending and receiving comments on multiple WorkSpan objects, such as Partner Program, Sales Plan, Opportunity, etc., in a single place instead of moving to and fro from one object to the other.
Bug Fixes
- The input form has been made bigger to allow you to add data and scroll through it for better visibility.
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