Special Partner Flows


Table of Contents

1. Amazon (AWS) Flows
       1.1. Mark as Lost flow
       1.2. Launch in ACE flow
2. Microsoft Partner Center (MPC) Flows
        2.1. Incoming MPC Flow
        2.2. Outgoing MPC Flow
3. Google Flows

There are several special Partners that are available for OOTB (Out of the Box) because each of them requires tailor-made flows and processes. The special flows are invoked when the Partner ID on a Referral equals some predefined value.

1. Amazon (AWS) flows

Partnering with AWS involves some additional fields. If you are creating an Outgoing Referral and select a Partner whose Partner ID = “Amazon,” then another section of fields will have to be populated because AWS requires those.

For an Incoming Amazon Referral, these fields are not required apart from ‘Is Opportunity From Marketing Activity.’ In both cases, you will be able to see this section in the main LWC (Lightning Web Components).

Both Incoming and Outgoing Amazon Referrals have additional flows that are aimed at sending the information from Specific Amazon fields to the Partner’s ACE (APN Customer Engagements) portal. These flows add to the number of Referral Actions that can be performed with the Amazon Referrals and restrict the number of fields available for updates when the Referral acquires ‘Launched’ and ‘Action Required’ Referral Statuses.

1.1. Mark as Lost flow

Mark as Lost flow is aimed to mark the Amazon Referral as lost in the ACE portal. This action is available for both Outgoing and Incoming Amazon Referrals when they are Accepted.

When the Referral fits the conditions above, the ‘Mark as Lost’ button is displayed on the Referral Actions LWC on the right side of the Referral page:

Clicking the ‘Mark as Lost’ button on the Referral Actions LWC triggers modal window to open with additional fields to be populated:

Once the Referral is marked as lost, it gets the Sales Stage ‘Closed Lost’ and Integration Status for the Referral changes to ‘Lost (Pending)” with an additional message:

Once the Referral was marked as lost, the ‘Mark as Lost’ button (as well as the ‘Launch in Ace’ button) is no longer available on the Referral Actions LWC.

The expected result of marking the Referral as lost is that the Referral will be marked as lost in the ACE portal. Once that happens, the Referral will get a ‘Closed Lost’ Referral Status if the integration with the WorkSpan is enabled in the WorkSpan Admin tab and there are no any integration errors on the side of the AWS ACE portal. 

In case there are integration errors on the side of the AWS ACE, and the Referral is still Accepted, it is possible to mark the Referral as Lost again by clicking on the ‘Mark as Lost’ button on the Referral Actions LWC. The button will become visible after the error status appears on the Integration Status LWC.

1.2. Launch in ACE flow

Launch in ACE flow enables launching the Referral in the ACE portal. This action is available for both Outgoing and Incoming Amazon Referrals when they are Accepted.

When the Referral fits the conditions above, the ‘Launch in ACE’ button is displayed on the Referral Actions LWC on the right side of the Referral page next to the ‘Mark as Lost’ button:     

Clicking the ‘Launch in ACE’ button on the Referral Actions LWC triggers the modal window to open with additional fields to be populated. The following confirmation window will appear irrespective of the ‘Partner Type’ selected. Click “Launch” so that the referral is made available in ACE. 

All the fields on the modals (apart from Notes) are required to be populated until ‘Is This a Public Reference?’ field is filled with ‘No’. In that case Public Reference Title and Public Reference URL become optional.

Once the Referral was launched in ACE, it gets the Sales Stage ‘Launched’, Referral Status ‘Launch Submitted’ and Integration Status for the Referral changes to the ‘Launch (Pending)” with additional message:

Once the Referral was launched in ACE, the ‘Launch in ACE’ button (as well as the ‘Mark as Lost’ button) is no longer available on the Referral Actions LWC.

The expected result of launching Referral in ACE is that Referral will appear on the ACE portal. Once that happens, the Referral will get ‘Launched’ Referral Status if the integration with the WorkSpan is enabled in the WorkSpan Admin tab and there are no any integration errors on the side of the AWS ACE portal. 

In case there are integration errors on the side of the AWS ACE, the Referral Status will change to ‘Launch Failed’ , and it will be possible to launch Referral again by clicking on the ‘Launch in ACE’ button on the Referral Actions LWC. The button will become visible after the error status appears on the Integration Status LWC.

1.2.1 SaaS Documentation LWC

When the Partner Type is ‘ISV Accelerate - SRRP’, and Amazon Referral is in status ‘Launched’, ‘Accepted’ or ‘Closed Won’ separate SaaS Documentation component appears on the right side of the Referral page:

The fields shown on the component are Amazon Specific fields that are used for the Launch in ACE flow. The fields can be blank only if the Referral was not launched in ACE; otherwise, the fields should be populated with values. If the Referral is not in ‘Action Required’ Referral Status, the fields on the component are editable. Clicking the ‘Edit’ button on the SaaS Documentation LWC will open the following modal window:

1.2.2 ‘Launched’ update restrictions

The expected result of launching Referral in ACE is that Referral will appear on the ACE portal. Once that happens, the Referral will get a ‘Launched’ Referral Status if the integration with WorkSpan is enabled in the WorkSpan Admin tab.

Once the Referral acquires ‘Launched’ Referral Status, the list of fields available for editing on the Referral page shortens. The list of fields available for editing depends on the Partner Type:

  • When the ‘Partner Type’ for the linked Referral is ‘ISV Accelerate - SRRP’, the list of fields is as follows:
    • Is This For Marketplace? (Deprecated)
    • Is Net New Business For Company? (Deprecated)
    • AWS Delivery Model
    • AWS Procurement Type
    • Customer Software Value
    • Customer Software Value Currency
    • Contract Effective Date
    • Contract Expiry Date
    • Is This a Public Reference? (Deprecated)
    • Public Reference Title (Deprecated)
    • Public Reference URL (Deprecated)
    • Notes
  • When the ‘Partner Type’ for the linked Referral is ‘ISV Accelerate’, the list of fields is as follows:
    • AWS Field Engaged (Deprecated)
    • Is Net New Business For Company? (Deprecated)
    • Is This For Marketplace? (Deprecated)
    • AWS Delivery Mode
    • Is This a Public Reference? (Deprecated)
    • Public Reference Title (Deprecated)
    • Public Reference URL (Deprecated)
    • Notes
  • When the ‘Partner Type’ for the linked Referral is ‘Consulting’, the list of fields is as follows:
    • AWS Account ID
    • Is This a Public Reference? (Deprecated)
    • Public Reference Title (Deprecated)
    • Public Reference URL (Deprecated)
  • When the ‘Partner Type’ is blank, the list of fields is as follows:
    • Is This a Public Reference? (Deprecated)
    • Public Reference Title (Deprecated)
    • Public Reference URL (Deprecated)

1.2.3 ‘Action Required’ update restrictions

When the Outgoing Amazon Referral acquires ‘Action Required’ status, the list of fields available for editing on the Referral page shortens to the following:

  • Description
  • AWS Expected Monthly Revenue
  • Close Date
  • Customer City
  • Customer Country
  • Customer Postal Code
  • Customer State
  • Customer Street Address
  • Customer Website
  • AWS Contract Vehicle (Deprecated)
  • RFx/Public Tender Solicitation No (Deprecated)

In addition, a warning message is shown on the Actions component with the Partner Review Comments.

Other than that, there is no difference between AWS flows and generic flows.

1.2.4 ‘Partner Type’ updating

Lauch in ACE flow number of required fields depends on the value of the ‘Partner Type’ field. ‘Partner Type’ field is attached to the Partner object and has 4 values:

  • ‘ISV Accelerate - SRRP’
  • ‘ISV Accelerate’
  • ‘Consulting’
  • The field can be left blank

To set the correct value, the following steps should be performed:

1. Open the ‘Partners’ tab (2) and click on the name of the Partner that requires an update in the ‘Partner Type’ field:

2. Click on the pencil icon to edit the ‘Partner Type’ field:

3. Choose a new value for the ‘Partner Type’ field in the dropdown menu (1):

4. Click ‘Save’ (1):

1.2.5. Sharing Opportunity as “For Visibility Only (FVO)” and “Co-sell with AWS”

Partner users can easily initiate this conversion by clicking the "Convert to Co-sell" button. During the process, they specify the partner-specific needs from AWS, determining whether the opportunity is shared as For Visibility Only (FVO) or Co-sell with AWS. Providing a specific reason for the Co-sell decision is also encouraged.

The "Convert to Co-sell" button is available for referrals in "Visibility Only" status. Clicking it reveals three fields: "Partner-specific needs from AWS," "Sales Activities," and "Next Steps." Users can then choose to proceed with the conversion or cancel it. Upon conversion, the referral status changes to "Support needed from AWS."

During the conversion, partner users are required to specify "Partner specific need from AWS," which lets users communicate specific needs are required as part of co-sell with AWS. If the user chooses to Co-sell with AWS, they must also specify the specific needs related to the Opportunity.

Below are the newly added fields so you can enter the details on the UI while sharing a referral with AWS.

1.2.6. AWS Referral Rejection Reason

Now, your partner users declining AWS Originated referrals i.e., incoming referrals must now select a reason from a predefined picklist. This enhancement ensures partner users provide a clear rationale for rejection, contributing valuable insights. If a reason is not provided, the rejection process is stopped, aligning with AWS's referral rejection compliance requirement. 

2. Microsoft Partner Center (MPC) flows

Partnering with MPC involves some additional fields and objects. If you create an Outgoing Referral and select a Partner whose Partner ID = “Microsoft”, then multiple fields become required, and a new special Help Needed from Microsoft field will have to be populated because MPC requires all of this data.

Moreso, after a Referral is created, the Help Needed from Microsoft field can’t be edited if both of the following conditions are met::

  1. Help Needed from Microsoft != “No help required at this point in time”. 
  2. Microsoft Partner Center Referral Id (on the child PartnerReferral__c record) != “NULL” OR Ready For Submit = Yes 

I.e., you can change its value from “No help required at this point of time” to some other value at any time. However, changing from any other value is only possible if the Referral hasn’t been submitted yet or doesn’t yet exist in MPC.

In any other case, the user will get the following error: “You can't request a different kind of help once the Referral has been submitted.”

2.1. Incoming MPC Flow

For an Incoming Microsoft Referral, these fields are not required. And in both cases, you will be able to see this section in the main LWC.

However, when you click Accept or Decline on an Incoming Microsoft Referral, your flow will start differently. See a new modal first.

For accepting, first, there is a check that at least one Microsoft Solution is added to the Referral. Otherwise, you’ll get this error message and won’t be able to proceed: “Please add at least one Solution before the Referral can be accepted.”

If there is at least one Solution, then next, you’ll see a new modal. The purpose of it is to make sure some fields are populated because MPC requires that information.

After you click Save & Next, you will return to a generic flow.

For declining, you just get a different modal where only Notes are required, and Referral Status Change Reason is optional:

2.2. Outgoing MPC Flow

For the Outgoing Referral, you also should add Microsoft Solutions to the Referral. Until you do so, a Referral will NOT be sent to WorkSpan, and the Submit Referral button will be disabled. You can add Solutions to the Referral (or remove them) using the Microsoft Solutions LWC.

  1. Click into the search field on the component. It’ll show you all the Microsoft Solution records that exist in the org (label and ID). 

You can either find the one you need by scrolling or typing in a search string to filter by label and ID at the same time.

  1. Click on the Solution that you want to add to the Referral. It’ll appear in the list above the search field with a trashcan next to it.

Use the trashcan to remove the Solution if you’ve changed your mind.

  1. Repeat if you need more than one Solution.
The same Microsoft Solution can’t be linked to the same Referral more than once. However, you can link it to any number of different Referrals.
  1. Click Save once you’re done.

  1. In the background, the Referral will be queued to WorkSpan, and the Submit Referral button will become enabled.

Other than that, there is no difference between MPC flows and generic flows.

3. Google Flows

Partnering with Google involves some additional fields. For both Incoming and Outgoing Referrals, you will be able to see the Google Specific Fields section in the main LWC.

If you are creating an Outgoing Referral and select a Partner whose Partner ID = “Google”, then another section of fields will have to be populated because Google requires those.

For an Incoming Google Referral, these fields are not required. In fact, the list of fields that you can edit on an Incoming Google Referral is very short.

That is because Google doesn’t allow editing most of the fields after creation. And after the Referral (either Incoming or Outgoing) has been accepted, only updates of the Notes and Next Step fields are sent to Google. Other field updates will be synced with WorkSpan but not propagated to Google.

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