New Features and Enhancements
1. Bulk Accept/Decline incoming referrals for MSFT/AWS/Google. Accepting/Declining referrals one at a time can be time-consuming; with our new Bulk Accept/Decline feature, you can take the required action on multiple incoming referrals at once. This feature will help you to improve your operational efficiency significantly.
To Bulk Accept/Decline Opportunity, go to Plan (AWS/Microsoft) → Opportunities → Click on “Bulk Actions” → Bulk Accept (AWS/MPC) → Select the opportunities and “Apply”.
Below is an example showing MPC referrals being accepted in bulk and “Referral status” = “ACCEPTED.”
2. Receive prompt email notifications for expiring referrals from Microsoft. Out-of-the-box, WorkSpan will now E-mail a daily report for incoming referrals from Microsoft, which are going to expire in the next two days, so you do not miss out on the potential referrals.
Below is a sample E-mail for expiring Microsoft referrals:
Note: Microsoft shares expiration date in either of the two fields Referral Expiration Date or Microsoft Expiration Date, since the behavior is not consistent from Microsoft, we show both the fields in the email so you don’t miss out on the expiry date.
2.1. Who will receive the email?
The email report will be sent to the Report owners of MPC Expiring Referrals. You should share the report with relevant people who need to receive the email.
2.2. What would be the Email Subject Line?
Email subject for MSFT referrals - MSFT Referral Expiring Soon.
2.3. How to disable the email notification?
1. On the detailed view of the report “MPC Expiring Referrals” → click on 3-dot menu → click “Schedule Emailing of Report Summary”.
2. A popup appears on the screen. Click on “Deactivate”.
3. Enabling automated email notifications for Incoming referrals from AWS/Microsoft.
Get notified via email when you receive an incoming referral from AWS/Microsoft. It permits you to take appropriate actions at the right time, thus improving the response time on each referral. The best part is that you do not have to log in to the WS application; instead, you simply view the notification message (with a call-to-action button) straight from your inbox.
Here is the sample email for an Incoming Referral from Amazon. Click on “Accept the Referral” button to accept the referral.
3.1. Who will receive the email?
- Account Owner, Opportunity Owner & Partner Manager on the Opportunity Referral will be notified about the Incoming referrals.
3.2. What would be the email subject?
- For Microsoft - New Incoming Referral from Microsoft
- For AWS - New Incoming Referral from Amazon
3.3. How to disable the email notification?
On “My Profile” page, click on “Business Process Actions” to expand and Uncheck the box next to “Call for Action”.
4. Better referral tracking with the inclusion of two new Table Views & one Metric for AWS.
a. Table View and Metric for “Referrals expiring in 2 days”.
Quickly filter the AWS referrals expiring in the next two (2) days by selecting the "Referrals expiring in 2 days" table view under your Co-sell with AWS Plan.
We have also added new metrics - Referrals expiring in 2 days on the Plan overview page so you can track the count of such referrals & take prompt action.
The below image shows the list of “Referrals Expiring in 2 days” in the table view and its count in the metric section.
b. Table View for “Expired Referrals”
You can filter the expired referrals by selecting the “Expired Referrals” table view. This view is to provide you visibility on the expired referrals.
The below image shows the list of “Expired Referrals” in the table view and its count in the metric section.
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