Adding an Opportunity


In WorkSpan, Opportunities are objects in your joint sales plans and solutions pipeline that either start as leads and flow through the pipeline as leads with chances of being converted to opportunities or start as an identified opportunity.

Navigation: Home > Co-Sell with Partners > Opportunities. 

You can also create opportunities from within sales plans, solutions, partner programs, or from within the assessments workflow.

In WorkSpan, you can create, collaborate (share), and track one or more opportunities for your joint sales plans and solutions.

  • You can configure the opportunity workflow with the questions that must be marked complete to exit a stage. (This has to be configured in your Opportunity Template for your custom needs).
  • Opportunity stage - You can decide what stages to show (we have a default set of stages) and configure them in the opportunity workflow as you want. 


For each opportunity, you can:

  • Move Stage
  • Associate/link to one or more objects such as partner programs, sales plans, solutions, or assessments - to name a few.
  • Create Business Process Action (BPA) buttons as per requirements to take quick actions.
  • Set high-priority alerts for important opportunities
  • Display multiple opportunities in a table view to show up to 10/25/50/100 opportunities at a time.
  • Select the sharing mode
  • Add key dates, members, and comments 
  • Add Account details
  • Add custom and company fields
  • Add tasks
  • Add expenses, files, links, and other content



The steps listed here are. Fields and formats might differ in custom templates.

  1. To create a new Opportunity, Click “Create Opportunity.”

The best part - You can customize the “Create Opportunity” wizard by adding “Required” as well as “Optional” fields in a template as per your requirements. This template can be used anytime you want to create opportunities associated with a specific business outcome.

  1. Enter an Opportunity Name.
  2. To configure other stages, tasks, and transitions associated with each stage, contact WorkSpan Support).
  3. Optionally enter an Opportunity Description. Click Next.


  1. Select an Account Name with which you want to associate this opportunity.
  2. Optionally, select company names from your network in the “Associate & Share” fields to share the opportunity with your partners and company users. Click “Next”.
    1. In “Share with people” field, enter the names/emails of people with whom you want to share this opportunity.


  1. In the Settings section, select between Owner and Partner modes depending on if you only want only owners to share this opportunity or if you want any partner to be able to share this opportunity. See more on Sharing Modes.
    1. Owner Mode is the default mode
    2. Partner Mode
  2. Check the checkbox if you want to Allow employees of your company or active partners to join without invitation, as participants. You can update the access level for one or more members at any time by navigating to the Team Members panel. See Sharing Your Opportunity with Members.
  3. Click Create Opportunity. You can click the Back button to go back to the previous screen too.
  4. If you want to navigate to this opportunity after creation, click Go to Opportunity.
  5. You can navigate to the Tasks tab and add tasks to an opportunity. See Adding Tasks
  6. Optionally, you can add one or more files, links, other content, and/or expenses to your opportunity. See Adding An Item.

Also, see:

Using Table Views

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