Assigning Tasks in Sales Plans, Solutions, Opportunities, Assessments and Partner Programs


The Tasks tab in a sales plan, solution, opportunity, assessment or partner program is where you can add tasks that need to be completed to successfully execute your sales plan, solution, opportunity, assessment or partner program. 

For successful execution of your sales plan, solution, opportunity, assessment or partner program, you can:

  • Assign one or more tasks to different resources
  • Select the task status
  • Assign a stage to a task
  • Set the task priority
  • Select due dates for your tasks
  • Regularly monitor the status of your tasks 

Only when all mandatory tasks assigned to a stage in a sales plan, solution, opportunity or assessment are completed, then, the sales plan, solution or opportunity moves to the next stage in the hierarchy of stages. You can assign some tasks as optional. You can assign one task to a single resource at one time.

You can either select default stages for your solutions, sales plans, opportunities and/or assessments or contact WorkSpan Support to configure other stages, tasks and transitions associated with each stage.


  1. Navigate to the Sales Plan, Solution, Opportunity, Assessment or Partner Program for which you want to add a task.
  2. Click Tasks on the left pane or from Add Item dropdown, click Add Task.

  3. Click Add Tasks to open Create a New Task window.
  4. Enter the Task Summary.
  5. Optionally enter a Description.
  6. Task Shown In field has the name of the sales plan, solution, opportunity or assessment for which this task is being created.
  7. Select the Task stage. 
    1. Default stages in a sales plan are-In Planning; In Execution; Closed.
    2. Default stages in a solution are Ideation; Build; In Market
    3. Default stages in an opportunity are: Identified; Joint Account Planning, Engaged; Converted to Opportunity; Won; On Hold; Discontinued; and Lost.
    4. Default stages in an assessment are: Start; In Progress, Completed
  8. Select or enter the name of the resource to whom you would like to assign the task.
  9. Select  a Status from To Do, In Progress, Paused, Done, Blocked, Will Not Do.
  10. Select a Priority from Highest, Very High, High, Moderate or Low.
  11. Select a Due Date.
  12. Optionally you can enter Tags. Tags can be useful for categorizing tasks e.g. #sales-enablement can be used to tag all tasks that are related to sales enablement activities.
  13. Optionally you can enter files and/or links to the task.
  14. Click Create.
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