Creating a Program


A program in WorkSpan includes your joint marketing plan with your partners, including your marketing objectives and goals for the partnership.


  1. Navigate to the Programs App. On the WorkSpan Homepage, either click Home >Joint Marketing> Programs and click +Program or on the WorkSpan Homepage, you can go to the My Marketing Programs section on the right and click Add New Program.
  2. Create your Program window opens.

  3. Enter a Program Name.
  4. Optionally, enter Program Objective/Description.
  5. Select a Program Intent amongst:
    1. Grow Reach
    2. Influence Pipeline
    3. Impact Revenue
    4. Drive Adoption
  6. Select a Program Currency. Program currency can be different from the campaign currency.
  7. Enter Total Funds available for the program.
  8. Optionally, select the Program Start and End Dates.
  9. In the Settings section, enter a Sharing Mode. (Read more about sharing modes).
    1. Partner Mode is the default.
    2. Owner Mode
    3. Network Mode
  10. The check box Auto Accept to Join is checked by default. Uncheck if you want to control who joins the program.
  11. Enable Claims button is also checked by default. To not allow claims for this program, uncheck this button.
  12. Click Create Program to create the program or click Add Details to select other optional details.

  13. In the What's This Program about section, select:
    1. Themes
    2. Products
    3. Services
    4. Activity Types
  14. In the Which Campaigns will your Program section, you can choose:
    1. Audience Profile
    2. Audience Seniority
    3. Function/Department
    4. Industries
    5. Regions
  15. In the When Will this Program Operate section, you can select:
    1. Review Cycle
    2. Reimbursement Policy
  16. Click Create to create a program.
  17. You can request an endorsement for your program by clicking Request Endorsement or self endorse your program by clicking the Endorse button. See Endorsements in WorkSpan
  18. You can also attach Program Policy documents.
  19. You can optionally enter Custom Fields. See Adding Custom Fields
  20. Navigate to the Campaigns section to add an existing campaign to a program. Click + and click Add an Existing Campaign. Add Campaigns to Current Program window opens.
  21. Enter a stage to place campaigns in. The funding workflow stages are the different stages a campaign can be within a Program.The available stages are:
    1. Incoming
    2. In Review
    3. Pending Approval
    4. Decision Made
    5. Maybe Later
  22. Select one or more campaigns to add to the program.
  23. Click Add.
  24. Optionally, you can enter Notes by navigating to the Notes section. See Adding Notes
  25. You can also Enter/Assign Tasks by navigating to the Tasks section. See Assigning Tasks
  26. Click Claim Reimbursements to view details of claims in the following sections:
    1. Incoming
    2. In Review
    3. Approved
    4. Rejected
  27. Click on the claim to open the summary. You can:
    1. Approve the Claim
    2. Decline the Claim
    3. Request Additional Information

Also See:

Creating a Claim

Approving a Claim

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