Understanding the Template Builder


To support your different workflows for partner programs, solutions, sales plans, opportunities, assessments, marketing plans and activities, use the Template Builder.

The Template Builder helps you standardize the configuration of custom fields and formats for solutions, sales plans, opportunities, marketing plans and activities.

Navigation: Home >Setup >Templates


Templates Listing page opens. All the templates created and shared with you are listed here.


On the Template Builder, you can:

  • Define required fields
  • Field validations
  • Set default values

This ensures that data is captured consistently across any user from any company and a custom wizard-driven UI is built for entering the data right at the time of object creation.

WorkSpan Admins can create, preview, iterate and publish the templates.

Templates can be shared with specific users, with partner programs or with all users in a company.

The default template owner is the user creating the template. He/she can specify multiple owners for a template. Only owners can edit/update/delete the templates.

Via the Template Builder, you and your partners get a guided, tailored experience that makes it easy to create sales plans, submit solutions, nominate joint opportunities, create marketing plans and activities.

To view an existing template from the Templates Listing page:

  1. Click anywhere on the template row to open and view the details.
  2. Navigating to a specific template row also activates the preview button on that row. Click preview to open and see the template.
  3. You can also:
    1. Create and save table views (see Table Views for Various Objects in WorkSpan)
    2. Group and sort your templates, i.e, group by type and then additionally group/sort by status) 
    3. Manage columns
    4. Export the table views in a CSV format

Contact WorkSpan Support  to help you configure your templates.

Also see:

Adding a Template

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