Editing a Marketing Plan


You can edit a marketing plan to add additional information or to update any existing information related to the plan such as to add/edit metrics, endorsements, custom fields, etc.

You can toggle between a list view or a table view. In a table view, you can view your plan in more details and create one or more custom views to see tasks and/or activities within a plan.


  1. Navigate to the marketing plan that you want to update. You can navigate to your marketing plans by either going to Home > Joint Marketing >Marketing Plans or by navigating to a plan under the My Marketing section on your WorkSpan Homepage.

  2. You can update the marketing plan by adding/updating tasks and/or activities to the plan by navigating to the corresponding Tasks and/or Activities tab.
  3. You can also add/update metrics, description, objectives and accomplishments and/or add files, links, content items, tasks and expenses to your plan.
  4. Go to the section that you want to update and hovering in the header area will highlight the edit (pencil) icon. Click the icon to put the section in the edit mode.

  5. You can set a stage for your plan between In Planning; In Execution or Closed. You can configure custom stages for your plan. See Overview of Workflows.
  6. You can also add:
    1. Key Dates. See Adding Key Dates to Objects in WorkSpan
    2. Marketing Plan Details
    3. Endorsement or Request an Endorsement. See Requesting Endorsements
    4. One or more custom fields and/or company fields to your plan. See Adding Custom/Company Fields
    5. Audience Information
    6. Update Team Members
    7. Member Companies
    8. Add Comments and View Activity Log

Also See:

Cloning a Marketing Plan

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