Sharing Multiple or All Your Sales Plans


You can share multiple or all sales plans together with one or more members in your network. You can share multiple or all sales plan from your table view if you have the correct access rights and depending on the sharing mode (partner versus owner mode) that is set on each sales plan.

If a sales plan has been created in the Owner Mode, then, if you are an Owner or a Collaborator on a sales plan, you can seamlessly share sales plans with others in your network.

If a sales plan has been created in the Partner Mode, then, you can share a sales plan as a participant too. See more on Sharing Modes.

Note: Only owners can change Sharing Modes on a sales plan.


  1. Navigate to your Sales Plans Landing Page and go to the table view.
  2. Select one, more or all plans that you want to share by checking the checkbox next to the plans. Share Selected and Share All buttons are enabled.
  3. Click Share Selected or Share All. Depending on your choice-Share Selected or Share All window opens.
  4. Select names of colleagues or partners in your network with whom you would like to share your selected or all sales plans. You can also enter emails of new members with whom you want to share.
  5. You can also select between updating access level to update a member role or skip member to prevent duplicate sharing of a plan.
  6. You can also Skip Email Notifications.
  7. Click Done.
  8. Notifications on start of the Bulk Share Job and status of successfully shared plans/failed plans is displayed.
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