Adding Tasks to Assets


You can add tasks to your assets too. You can add tasks either by going to your asset from the Content Library or from within an object.

Adding Asset from Content Library

Adding Asset from an Object


To add an asset from the Content Library

  1. Go to the asset (Home > Content Library >My Assets) to which you want to add a task.
  2. Click the Asset Name (e.g, KB assets).
  3. Go to the Tasks tab and click +
  4. Create a New Task window opens. (See Creating Tasks)

To add an asset from within an object

  1. Go to the object to which you want to add a task.
  2. Navigate to the Assets section and open the asset to which you want to add a task.
  3. Click +Task on the Summary window.
  4. Create a New Task window opens. (See Creating Tasks).
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