Sharing Your Marketing Plan


You can easily share a marketing plan with your colleagues and partners for easy and timely collaboration, openness and for building trust. 

To add one or more people to your marketing plan, you have to share your marketing plan with them.

Companies of members that join a plan are are added by default.

If you want to share your plan with an entire company, then, we suggest adding a company and sharing your plan company wide.

Partner Mode is the default sharing mode on a marketing plan. On this mode, any existing plan member can share the plan. Only members from companies included in the plan can Find and Request to Join the plan.

Owner mode allows only owners to share the plan. See More on Sharing Modes

You can share one, multiple or all plans by utilizing the Share Selected or Share All feature.

Also See:

Sharing a Single Plan

  1. Go to the plan that you want to share and open the plan.
  2. Click Share Marketing Plan.
  3. Share Marketing Plan window opens.
  4. In Share With People section, enter/select names of people with whom you want to share your marketing plan.
  5. In Share With Companies section, companies of people that you share your plan with are automatically added. Enter other Company names if you want to share your plan with everyone in a company.
  6. Click Done.
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