Partner Profiles help WorkSpan build the intelligence to connect you with other partners in your program with similar/complementary interests.
Each partner company in WorkSpan can have one profile per partner program.
If a partner program has a linkage with a partner profile template and when a first member from a partner company joins the program and enters the profile information, then, the Partner Profiles tab is enabled for that program.
Setting Up Partner Profile Templates
WorkSpan provides program owners pre-configured partner profile templates.
As a partner program owner in WorkSpan, you can update/request updates to partner profile templates in WorkSpan. Contact WorkSpan Network Success for any template queries.
You can:
- Add/request custom fields added to the standard partner profile template. The partner profile includes mandatory fields such as an internal Partner ID that a partner must specify to be accepted to your program.
- Include sections (and custom fields within the section) that are only visible to accepted members for the partner profile.
- Select the Partner Program with which you want to share the partner profile template.
The partner profile includes additional details about your company’s capabilities and interests in the program that you are keen to showcase to other partners or potential partners:
- Company Program Profile - your role and value proposition in the program.
- Target Customers - customers that you are targeting.
- Target Partners - types of partners that you are interested in working with.
- Program Competencies - your program-specific expertise and certifications.
Creating a Partner Profile
- Invite a partner to your program by sharing your program with him/her. You can share your program with multiple partners too. See Sharing a Program.
- Your partners get an email to join the program. Your invited partners can click on Join Program link in the email to initiate the registration process.
- Your partners are directed to log in to WorkSpan by entering the following information.
- Enter Full Name, Company Name, Password and Confirm Password.
- Check the checkbox to agree to WorkSpan Terms of Service and Privacy Policy.
- Click Join WorkSpan.
- Your partners are asked to accept the program agreement and enter the requisite Partner ID in the profile creation wizard to create a profile.
- Partner Profile screen opens. Fields on this screen are based on the template associated with the program.
- Enter your Partner ID, Description, Partner Type, Partner Manager.
- Enter/Select your Target Customer Profile information such as your Target Customer Industry (e.g, Automotive), your Target Customer Region (e.g, EMEA or the Asia Pacific) to showcase the kind of customers or preferences in any regions that you are targeting.
- Enter/Select your Target Partner Profile such as your Target Partner Type (e.g, Channel Partner) and/or Target Partner Region (e.g, EMEA or the Asia Pacific) to showcase the kind of customers or preferences in any regions that you are aiming to partner with.
- Click Create Profile. A success message is shown and your profile is added to your partner program.
- To view all profiles in a program, click the Partner Profiles tab.
- Click on a Profile ID or Name to navigate to the profile details. If you are an owner on the profile, then, you can edit the profile details too. See Viewing Partner Profiles
- Click Find Partners to find one or more partners with whom you might want to nurture a partnership. See Finding Partners
Inviting Members From Your Company or Existing WorkSpan Member Company
- Jennifer is an existing WorkSpan member and Jennifer's Company Atom Inc. is already a registered company on WorkSpan. Jennifer receives an invite from Mary (via WorkSpan) to join a P2P Program.
- Jennifer accepts the invite to Mary's P2P program and as this is an invite for P2P Program, Jennifer is also prompted to enter additional partner profile fields as prescribed by the template associated with the program.
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