Mid September 2021 - Release Notes



S.No Release Notes
1 Enhanced CRM Integration to show key date-related alerts on creating records from CRM and on linking existing records to CRM records. 
2 Users can now see alerts on the homepage for "Date" fields that are marked as Important or defined as Key Date. 
3 Added ability to highlight certain "Date fields" within an object and see them under the KeyDate section along with a timer to expiry 
4 Inbound integration now supports complex data types for fields that contain repeated values. 
5 Fixed bug related to template not being available to create an object in some cases. 
6 Fixed bugs related to the Campaign Report column showing incorrect values in some cases. 
7 Control visibility of sections based on another set of field values. This allows showing only relevant sections based on values specified in another field. 
8 Extended the capabilities provided by the calculated fields mechanism to all the object types and all the objects created in WorkSpan. 
9 Improved process of linking external data loaded using bulk upload mechanism with data that are already present in WorkSpan based on external reference identifier. 
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