• Co-Sell with AWS - Customer Off boarding Checklist.

      WorkSpan : SFDC & ACE Decommission Referral Data BackUp / Export (Optional) Referral data can be backed up by creating a new Report under WorkSpan. Generate a report using the “Opportunity Ref...

  • Access Management Overview

    As a company administrator, you can configure policies to grant automatic access to users on your company’s data in WorkSpan. You can also audit and update employee access. With these capabilities,...

  • Policy-Based Access Management

    Company admins can configure access policies that cascade to linked objects. You can centrally administer your user groups, including partner users, at the partner program or plan level and be assu...

  • Managing Company, Partners and Employees

    As a Company Admin, you can perform the following tasks on WorkSpan. You can: Edit your company information to add/update information such as Company Name, Logo, URL, Specialities, Industry, Numbe...

  • Editing Your Personal Settings, User Preferences, Profile Picture & Password

    You can easily edit your personal settings, such as your user preferences, password, profile picture, etc. and manage your email notifications from your profile page on WorkSpan. Steps: Click on y...

  • Resetting Your WorkSpan Password

    Forgetting a password is common.  The following steps will help reset your password while letting us authenticate your account safety. Steps: On the WorkSpan Login page (app.workspan.com) enter yo...

  • Overview of the Users Section

    Table of Contents1. Overview    1.1. Navigating to the Users Section    1.2. Viewing and Managing Users    1.3. Inviting Users to WorkSpan    1.4. Viewing and Editing User Details    1.5. Managing ...

  • Recommended Browsers and Operating Systems

    For optimal performance of all the apps in WorkSpan, we recommend that you use the latest versions of the following browsers: Google Chrome Mozilla Firefox Safari Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 Mi...

  • Handling Ad Blockers

    If you have an ad blocker installed on your computer, then, it's possible that certain functions within WorkSpan won't perform or execute as expected.   If you encounter an issue with creating camp...